Wang Jing  (Frau Prof. Mag.)

Wang Jing
Prof. Mag. Jing Wang
geb. in der VR China. Habilitation im Juli 2014 zur ao.-Univ. Professorin für Germanistik an der Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU). 2009 - 2014 Co-Direktorin das Konfuzius-Institut an der Universität Wien. Stellvertretende Leiterin des Österreichischen Instituts für China- und Südostasienforschung. Übersetzerin, Herausgeberin und Autorin von zahlreichen Publikationen in den Bereichen transkulturelle Kommunikation, Sprache, Literatur und chinesische Philosophie, sowie Wörter‑ und Lehrbücher.

Jing WANG, born and raised in a tradition-conscious extended family in the remote Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia in the People's Republic of China, completed her bachelor's degree in German Studies at the Xi'an International Studies University (XISU), PR China in 2000. In 2003 she obtained a master's degree in German Studies from the Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), PR China. After that she became a university lecturer for German studies at the BFSU, with habilitation as an associate. university Professor in July 2014.

From 2009 to 2014 she was co-director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna, taught at the Institute for East Asian Studies/Sinology at the University of Vienna, at the Diplomatic Academy, University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna, University of Applied Languages, SDI Munich, and guest lecturer for the 18th and 19th general staff course at the National Defense Academy in Vienna.

Many years of experience as a translator and interpreter, also offers simultaneous interpreting for informational conferences. Full member of UNIVERSITAS Austria, the professional association for interpreters and translators, since 2021.

Since 2019 Deputy Head, Austrian Institute for China and Southeast Asia Studies. Her numerous publications include several monographs and journal articles in the fields of transcultural communication, language, literature and Chinese philosophy, as well as vocabulary and textbooks and a number of translations into Chinese and German. Now she has her own publishing house SONATA Book and tries harder to bring cultures and languages closer.
Fotoalben von Wang Jing

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